What, me worry?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I visited a Fundy Museum aka I’m not a Creationist

Over a week ago I went to The CREATION Museum.

Yeah, I know, Why?
Well, I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I had heard it was technologically top notch.
Of course I was greatly disappointed. It was crowded, not with people seeking knowledge like at a real museum, no, not there. It was crowded with people with no interest in what the museum was. They just presented their tickets and walked in a line around the exhibits until they got out and went home. Seemed like they were their out of obligation.

This is what I know, creationists believe that the world is no more than 5,000 maybe 6,000 years old, and people lived at the same time as dinosaurs. Humans were put on earth in GODS image and there was no such thing as evolution before the big flood, you know, the one with Noah and the ark, the one that created the GRAND CANYON. Humans do not evolve, animals do. Let's see, what else.... the BIBLE is literally true, literally! All of this based solely on the BIBLE. Not on human reason, they say there is no such thing, you should only believe the BIBLE not reason at all, no thinking for yourself. It's not based on actual evidence like scientific proof. They say such things can be disproved, like no human skeleton has ever been found on the same fossil level as a dinosaur skeleton/fossil, but they say this is not proof, no one's ever found a human skeleton next to a crocodile skeleton or a coelacanth, a deep sea dwelling fish. That's ridiculous if you ask me. Why would a human skeleton be down there? Unless they got their foot stuck and died. Anyway, my big impression of this place is it was quite a racquet, somebody is making some fat cash off of this place.

After we finally escaped the museum, we is Judy Jill and I, we went to the Bodies Exhibition because it was still in Cincinnati. (Ironically it's next stop is INDY, it is downtown right now!)
The big difference between the people there and the previous stop is they seemed to be interested in the exhibits at Bodies. Maybe some of the Fundy Christians knew deep down it was a sham? Really Bodies was a bit morbid, actual bodies just standing around in all their skinlessness. It was morbid and cool! But I'm a weirdo.

Anyway........I think I'm done with this post.


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