What, me worry?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More Movie Reviews

My sister and I decided last night instead of going to the $.50 theater to see a movie last night we would rent a movie instead. We went to Blockbuster and I had to talk my sister out of "Dead Men Walking." Why? I've seen it of course and know her and know she'd get pissed if I'd let her rent it knowing what it's like. The reason I know this is all the times I'd let her borrow movies from me knowing they weren't good. They were entertaining but not good. The last one I lent her was "The Fanglys." She hated it.

I on the other hand was highly entertained with "The Fanglys." It was low budget. This does not make a movie bad. When you have a low budget you most often have to scrap the bottom of the acting barrel, or hire your friends to be in it. Which would most likely be a fair description of these actors. The acting in fact was one of the biggest things to drag it down. The premise was simple. It was Halloween night. A group of young adults, mid-twenties living in a small town have decided to hang out around the old cemetary. There of course is a legend of an old witch that haunts the area called the Fanglady. They wanted to see if it was true, the most of them didn't believe. The group was comprised of friends Mark, Kelly, Jerry, Steven, and Camille who was just some random girl that Steven picked up. They go out into the woods by the cemetary, Jerry gets scared and whines. There was a whole conversation between Mark and Kelly where she said that Jerry had better not get scared and whine while they were out there so the whining was no suprise. He said he wouldn't so of course he did. Then of course weird stuff starts happening. They get annoyed by Chubb, who is one of the silliest crazy violent canibal people ever! (He's also the writer and director. He really seemed to be having a good time playing Chubb. Chubb was actually my favorite part.) Also annoying them was the Fanglady who appeared to be somewhat supernatural. Of course also there were some scenes of some locals, a Sheriff and a good old boy who covered up some deaths caused by the Fanglady and had been covering them up for years. This part was pointless and stupid as it went nowhere. Take my word for it, it's entertaining, but not great. It's not really all that fresh and brings really nothing new to the crazy people in the wilderness gore fest movie genre.

Now, "Dead Men Walking" is just another Zombie movie my boyfriend rented from the Hollywood Video near his house. They always had way more horror movies to rent than a lot of other rental places because the manager really liked them, I don't know, but when I went in there they always had a ton of stuff I never saw at Blockbuster. (It's so unfortunate this particular Hollywood Video closed.) He rented it because I like Zombie movies. It's about these people get some weird disease, die and rise from the dead and this guy is forced to kill his friends before they kill him. Of course the authorities were not understanding of this and he gets sent to jail. Why do the cops never believe people when they say they didn't kill their friends, they killed zombies?!? Of course he's contracted the disease. It spreads throughout the prison and there are some really disgusting puking and out of guts in the mess hall right into their plates and since they are so sick they don't notice and continue to eat and I've sworn never to watch this scene again. It was similar to a scene in "Day of the Dead 2:Contagium." Anyway there is a riot in the prison and all the living people are trying to escape the madness alive. There some lines I thought were good when I was watching but I can't remember them now. I just know the warden said them.

At Blockbuster last night we rented "The Hills Have Eyes." It was the remake. I've never seen the origional. But that is going to be my next post because as I look at the time, I have to get going. Until next time.


  • At 5:54 PM, October 12, 2006, Blogger Reel Fanatic said…

    I too love zombie movies, so I'll definitely have to check that one out .. however, I first thought you wrote "Dead Man Walking," which, if I'm not mistaken, is a death penalty movie with Sean Penn ... quite a different matter entirely!

  • At 6:28 AM, October 13, 2006, Blogger whitechoclatespacegg said…

    Yeah, that's a totally different film! When I told some people about it at first people thought I was nuts!


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