What, me worry?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stuff on My Mind

I have to admit I'm still bummed about the Dottie situation. It's so weird. Miss Dottie is an ex-coworker of mine. She worked in my office when I came on board. But recently the powers that be decided we didn't need her anymore. I can't really express here what she meant to me. She is an extremely good friend to me. That means a lot coming from me. I don't make friends easily and it takes a lot for me to call anyone friend. (Sounds like whining but I was dumped on a lot growing up so I have trust issues I'm working on.)

When I started we were not actually in the office. We had a cubicle at the Government Center in Indiana Secretary of State Business Services Division. She Photographed UCC filings onto micro films for our companies archives and I went over the results from our UCC searches. At first we didn't speak much but everyone else came over and spoke to her. One day we got to talking and talked every day from then on. We had a lot in common. Who would have thought that? We both had a sister that died tragically at a young age. We both had to take on a lot of responsibility for our families at a young age. Then IN-SOS went live on the internet with their UCC's and we didn't need to be there anymore so we went to the office. Fast forward to now. Years and years of laughing and crying together. She worked for the company for nearly 13 years and they called the office a few weeks ago and fired her. Over the phone.

Let me just say that I work for a small company. The Owner personally knew her family. He didn't even call himself. He had the personnel woman do it. He said Jeff was to do it but Jeff refused. He feels the same about her. It just doesn't seem right to walk in the office and all her knick knacks are gone. Her desk is empty and I can't smell her perfume ( which she wore liberally. At least it didn't smell bad.) Even worse was that the lady that fired her kept calling after Miss Dottie left. To make sure Jeff was okay. She hadn't spoken to me but asked for me at one point. I jokingly said,"Why, am I fired too?" She replied, " I heard your rude comment." I wouldn't put it past them though. She wanted to know how I was and I had to say something about how she was my friend to but it really wasn't up to me whether she stayed or went and I'd get over it. Really, her polite call was to make sure I wasn't worried about the companies financial stability and that I didn't plan to quit because of this. That they let her go so that a few years down the road we didn't run out of money and have to let her go then. Some kind of stupid spiel like that. What b/s. And even worse was the call the next day when I was at the Marion County Recorders office doing work, for her. To ask if I was okay. Why not rub salt in the wound? It only hurts a little and then goes away.

On a lighter note:
I know the family could care less about my doll collection but I do so there. (Mighty mature!) Anyway, I'm just really excited about my latest find. (I just got a new castle. Yes I know I already had one but that was the Disney Princesses castle! This one is the Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper castle. It's not the same. No it's not! But that's not what I'm excited about.) I have been building, slowly but surely, my dolls of the world collection. Which had been quite easy for a few years because Mattel was releasing them quite regularly. The last couple have been rather elusive however. I do know I'm getting one for my birthday. I'm good on the ones from the last 8 years. Thanks to Jeff and Miss Dottie. They help me search high and low for them. All the while I have been looking on ebay, Goodwill and various flea markets for the older ones. One I particularly wanted was the Irish Barbie from right around 1994-95. I wanted her so much that I bid on multiple auctions for her and lost every single blasted one. (Stupid jerky sniping jerks!) Until finally at long last I was at the Goodwill outlet store on W Washington Street and there she lay in all her glory!!!! I couldn't believe it.. She was still in her original dress missing only her shoes and cap. That's okay because in my desk at work were a sensible pair of black shoes that I put on her and set her on the file cabinet amongst the rest. (Because I keep them at work. In case nobody knew, I keep some at work. They aren't all at home. Some are in my office. I had to put them out in the front room because Jeff's superhero collection is getting quite large. It's oppressive sometimes.) I have made a few other great finds lately I found the Peruvian
Barbie from the 80's along with Russian Barbie from the 90's at the Peddler's Mall. (Peru has some slight degrading due to her age. Leg spotting.) I also finally one the French Barbie from the 90's Yay! I know, no one cares but Yay!


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