What, me worry?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


You know what I like about going to do business in our City-County Building?
No matter how bad you might think you look, there is someone who looks worse than you. I don't care if it is the worst fat day you have ever had in your life. All women have them and some men too, fat days, days when you feel like a giant whale. So I was walking down the hall today, having one of those days myself, and I saw this woman who had this tremendous gut, she of course was wearing one of those track suits which would have been cute if she wasn't shaped the way she was. The top was too short because her mid section was too big. And her pants were not pulled up high enough. It was just gross, and I was happy. It sounds mean, I know, but there it is.

Ok, got 'Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason' of course it is fabulous, I saw it twice on opening day, for my birthday because that's when it came out in theaters. Now I have the DVD. And to my utter joy, there is an extra on the DVD where Bridget does the interview with Colin Firth like in the book, it is updated to be more relevant to modern times. It was one of my favorite parts in the book, but I didn't expect to ever see it on screen because Colin Firth was Mark Darcy in the movie, and who in the world could play Colin Firth except Colin Firth and how wierd would that be. If you have not read these books, and are a man, don't bother, they aren't for you, you won't be able to relate, if you are a girl and like humorous, romantical books, they are an easy read, intelligent, I read them each over a weekend, I couldn't put them down. Better than the movies, though the movies are quite good. Could not have cast better people for these parts.


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