What, me worry?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Let's shake things up a bit.....Life Chain

I went to the Life Chain on Sunday. Just as I do every year for as long as I can remember. I stood on the sidewalk holding my sign. It said: Abortion Kills Children. Why, well it just seems like the most shocking sign I could hold. The other choices were, "Lord Forgive us and our Nation," "Jesus forgives," "Abortion hurts women." Just not the things I thought were shocking enough for me. Do I think I changed anyone's mind? Not really, but driving down the street seeing all those people holding those signs had to get people to at least talk about it.

I remember first learning about abortion in junior high school. Before that I didn't even know that women would get pregnant, not want there baby and then decide to kill it.....That's the way I saw it then, and it's no different now. People will explain it away by saying, it's not really a person yet. What you aren't a person until your born? Why is it so bad to hurt pregnant women, they don't have a child inside of them, it's not born yet....It is a developing human from the time the sperm and the egg get together. A human with no rights though. Hell, a convict on death row has more rights. We have laws protecting the likes of Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. Laws that say they aren't allowed to kill people but they did and got caught and were punished, but even that was in a humane fashion. Go Here to find out about these guys:
Crime Library
These laws say that we can't or couldn't (some of them are dead now) throw them in a deep dark pit somewhere to die. Not that I'm saying this is what we should do to serial killers, or murderers in general. I think they should have to live because that's a worse punishment to live with the guilt of knowing what you did. I just think prison should be prison.

But a developing fetus has no rights because it hasn't finished developing yet. It's life taken before it began, it's dreams unrealized.
It seems so unfair some women can do the deed, create life, and just because it is inside of her she thinks she has the right to keep it from becoming. I've always felt this was wrong. The whole my body my choice is taken out of your hands once you have sex and create life. The choice is the sex, the baby is the consequence you can be a grown up about it and take care of it or you can give the baby to someone who will want it and love it.

I just hope that we got people at least to think about it and to talk about it. It's important to talk about it with anyone you are seeing especially when sex is involved. I did. When I got together with my current boyfriend and we started having sex, I layed it all on the table, if I was to get pregnant, I would never have an abortion, and I would prefer to be married if we had kids. The marriage thing isn't that important to me anymore, but I will still never have an abortion. The result is we always use protection because neither of us really want kids. Now that goes against the Catholic Church, I know, but so does having sex before marriage. I'm not very Catholic anymore anyway, and that's a whole other post.

My beliefs are pretty absolute. There really isn't any changing my mind. One thing I heard at the life chain was a woman driving by yelled out here window "If Jesus forgive, then why does it matter?" This is an argument I've heard many times being raised Catholic. It comes from people who don't understand Catholicism. They hear about confessing ones sins and how you can be absolved of your sins an they think that all you have to do is go tell the priest anything you did wrong and you are forgiven. This is not true. Your sins aren't forgiven just because you confess them. You have to mean it. You have to truly be sorry for you sins to have true forgiveness. It matters, it really does. Besides, if you know it's wrong, why do it?


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