Yesterday afternoon my boyfriend called me and said he had a suprise. It was passes to a sneak preview to the new George A. Romero Zombie movie, LAND OF THE DEAD. Of course like everyone else I've been waiting since DAY OF THE DEAD for Mr. Romero to make another zombie flick so naturally I drove like a bat out of hell to get there in time. To my utter horror, the theater was not packed? What's that all about? This film did not disappoint me in the least. It contained the classic Romero Zombies and incorporated the idea that he had built into everyone of his previous ventures into the zombie world, that the zombies can learn. Now, I don't want to give away anything, so I'm gonna stop there. I don't know how the public will receive this film because they seem to like the zombies running in the recent zombie movies it is following. Anyway, go see it when you can. It is great.
At 11:37 AM, June 22, 2005,
el said…
Can't wait to see it!
At 11:32 AM, June 24, 2005,
Jessica said…
I agree with the comment on the general public. That is how I picture a lot of people I know. Like if the tranis became zombies...There's a thought. As far as the movie goes I admit I'm jealous. I wish I could see a sneak preview of the film. Land of the Dead and Devil's Rejects are the two films I'm looking forward to seeing most. I've been talking about Devil's Rejects for months though. None of my friends ever know what I'm talking about either. That just goes to illustrate the zombiness of the general public once again!
At 10:39 AM, June 25, 2005,
whitechoclatespacegg said…
Well, I just say, screw the general public, Romero didn't make this movie for them, he made it for the true fans, like us.
Who knows, maybe some of the zombies were tranis (shudder) I didn't really notice. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
I wasn't really a big fan of House of a Thousand Corpses, I thought there was too much talking and not enough killing, but I am interested in seeing the Devil's Rejects. I think Rob Zombie shows a lot of promise in the horror movie genre.
Oh, and I think it is nice that Sid Haig is still working in this industry, he will always be creepy. I saw him in a movie years ago called Spider Baby, it's kind of strange, about a demented family in the suburbs somewhere. I don't know if you've seen it, but you might like that too.
At 9:27 PM, June 25, 2005,
Jessica said…
Hey, I just saw the movie today with my friend Matt and you were totally right about it. I loved it! It was badass! I liked that main smart zombie dude. To be honest, I was rooting for him the entire movie. I always like the bad guys in movies. I especially thought Anakin was finally really hot as soon as he turned into Darth Vader. He was a badass! I just watched the new Star Wars today too. I think I was at the movies too much today, all those grape slurpies gave me a stomach ache...
At 1:51 PM, June 26, 2005,
Jessica said…
Oh yeah, I also realized I must have misread that one part. I thought you were saying the general public are like zombies. But if you really think about a lot of them are... :) That would be cool if everyone DID turn into zombies and the only people immune were people that had blogs. Then we'd all have to join blog forces and get machine guns and then go around zombie huntin. That would be sweet!....Sorry I think I have an overactive imagination.
At 7:47 AM, June 27, 2005,
whitechoclatespacegg said…
You're right, the general public are like zombies. I'm not ashamed though to admit it, I have a contengency plan in case we ever do get run over by actual zombies. Every time I see a zombie movie, when I then drive I have to practice evasive driving and uh, I run in serpentine motion to avoid zombie attacks, ummmm maybe not everytime. Anyway glad you like the movie, it really is awesome. I thought, hey, there's a black dude as the hero in every one of those movies, now the black dude was still the hero, only a zombie. He was creepy, but I was cheering him on myself also...
At 3:15 PM, June 27, 2005,
Jessica said…
Yes, black dudes always have badass zombie skills. If killin zombies was an athletic sport you better bet your ass Shaq, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods would be the reining champs. My best friend Eric is black so I'll make sure to always stay his friend no matter what in case I have to call upon his "skills" one day. Thats at the top of my zombie attack emergency plan checklist. I'm sure everyone has one of those, I can't be the only damn person that does.
At 6:42 PM, June 27, 2005,
whitechoclatespacegg said…
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one planning for the day the zombies attack....I mean come on people, we have to be ready! You sound like a good person to have on one's team though yourself, what with the martial arts and stuff....You could probably kick some zombie ass yourself!
At 12:03 PM, June 28, 2005,
My plan of action against zombies is simple. If a zombie comes at me I will throw the person standing nearest me in its direction and RUN LIKE HELL!
At 4:03 PM, June 28, 2005,
whitechoclatespacegg said…
Sebastian- Why does that not suprise me? I'm sure you would come in handy in the anti-zombie resistance...That was a good laugh though, I can't get the image of you picking someone up near you and throwing them at a zombie, then turning tail and running.....Too funny!
At 9:27 AM, June 30, 2005,
Jessica said…
That IS funny! Well, "Do not stand next to Sebastian", will definately be one of the things on my zombie/plan/checklist now. Oh, and as far as Land Or The Dead, John Liquizamo (sp?) was pretty damn cool in the movie. I liked his character because he was such an asshole!
At 1:06 AM, July 01, 2005,
joe said…
Hey! Whitechocoricecrispies! It appears I am in the minority here! I was not impressed with Land 'O the Dead. I am a big fan of Zombie movies. I have been waiting for Land 'O the Dead. A disappointing movie all in all! Still, it was better than Zack(I can't direct my way out of a paper bag)Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake!
Lucio Fulci's Zombie was better! You get to see a Zombie on the bottom of the ocean fight a shark! I should have simply watched Shaun of the Dead instead!
At 7:18 AM, July 01, 2005,
whitechoclatespacegg said…
Joe- I don't know what the heck you were looking for in this film... Perhaps the political aspect of this film, the social commentary which is present in everyone of his films was not something you wanted to see. However by all accounts especially right out of Romero's mouth this is the plot he had intended to use in this film, so what did you expect... I still think it was great...But we don't always see eye to eye on this... Thanks for sharing your opinion....
At 11:57 AM, July 01, 2005,
joe said…
You'll see why I didn't like it when I get my review up.
Who are you talking to? I've done my research! I know about Romero's films! I know social commentary is in all his films! Perhaps that is not the only reason I thought it really was a DISAPPOINTING movie! Romero is better than that! He can do a better job! And deep down you know it too!
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