Late last night they finally passed the whole daylight savings time bill.
So this time next year, who knows what time it will be.
There will be conferences with the Federal Government to decide what time zone we will be in. Which we will probably end up in the New York time zone which is exactly what we did not want. I'm sure this is the reason that so many of our representatives were against this. This is a Mid-Western state, why should be on Eastern time? That's how I feel about it.
Personally, I've never quite understand daylight-savings time. Probably because, I've never lived somewhere where they changed the time. It's probably just as hard for me to understand why we do it, as for people to understand why Indiana doesn't want to. In any case, it's still not a final thing until it actually happens. Maybe the Federal Government will tell us we have to be eastern if we want to be daylight-savings time, and maybe it will then be dropped.
The other news type item is we no longer have the Brickyard 400. It will now be called, the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard, as a result of a multimillion-dollar sponsorship agreement announced Thursday at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It's yet another bastardization of a public sporting event. I'm not suprised really, sponserships are a big part of these races. It's kind of awkward to say. I guess as long as they don't change the name of the INDY 500 I'm happy, it's been called that for about 75 years now.